Tag Archives: Final Year

Boat Model

Once I finished the concept and got it approved by the team I moved onto modelling. It was a pretty straightforward process since I knew what I wanted from doing the concepts. The bits that were the most interesting were the … Continue reading

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Concept for Peter

My classmate Peter was working on an animation by himself which had a really great idea of two native islanders discovering a radio after it washes up on their shore. I thought it was fantastic and since Peter was working by … Continue reading

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Jellyfish Concepts

I was tasked with concepting the jellyfish. Jellyfish are generally formless blobs that move through the water by expanding and shrinking their bodies. They use their long oral arms to sting prey and catch them. Since Jellyfish are predators I … Continue reading

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Older Sister Concepts

I had my own attempt at designing the two sisters. I had this really strong image of a a small black child in a orange summer dress with a shaved head. The rest of the team didn’t really seem to … Continue reading

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New Story and Action plan

This gallery contains 2 photos.

After the feedback where we were told we were being too ambitious and needed to cut the project down in size. We got together and were able to hash out a new story that was less epic but focused more … Continue reading

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Short Animation Research

I decided to take a look at some short 3 minute long animations to give myself an idea of what was possible during that time frame since I was having trouble picturing how we could tell and meaningful story in … Continue reading

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Mike and Myself Alternative Story

Mike and myself stayed late one night to try and bash an idea for how the story could go following the feedback that we needed to change the story by making it smaller. We came up with the idea that … Continue reading

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Life of Pi

(All images sourced from here.) A lot of the team have been talking about the visuals of the Life of Pi especially the night scenes with the bioluminescent lights below the water. I haven’t seen the film myself so I … Continue reading

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The Alchemist Letter

I was looking for some more animations that followed our idea of simple design with realistic textures and lighting and I came across this little gem. The Alchemist Letter makes wonderful use of textures and lighting and the story it … Continue reading

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Local Gallery Visit: Richard Rowan and Debra Stroud

I went to a local art gallery recently and found some fine artists that I think could be really useful to our animation. The first was Northampton artist Richard Rowan. Rowan paints vivid bright sky scrapes with oil on glass. … Continue reading

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