Jellyfish Concepts

I was tasked with concepting the jellyfish.

Jellyfish are generally formless blobs that move through the water by expanding and shrinking their bodies. They use their long oral arms to sting prey and catch them. Since Jellyfish are predators I decided to start combining their most iconic feature with that other small aquatic predators, like crabs and lobsters which could use the oral arms to stun prey then eat them. I also had the idea of like an anglerfish having stingers on the end of it’s bait which it use to both entice prey as well as stun it.
After the first batch I felt they were too plain so I started playing around more with shapes. Too me, Jellyfish are just gelatinous blobs which most people relate to as being spherical so I decided to push that idea by making more and elongated and square variations. I really like number 3 and 7 in the 2nd batch.

Eventually we came to the conclusion that even though some people liked the designs they had picture regular Jellyfish in their minds for the animation and I went with something close to number 1 from the first batch.

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