Concept for Peter

My classmate Peter was working on an animation by himself which had a really great idea of two native islanders discovering a radio after it washes up on their shore. I thought it was fantastic and since Peter was working by himself I offered to lend him a hand by doing some concept art. He gave me instructions and examples of what he was thinking and using the character designs he’d already done I mocked up a quick colour concept to help him out.
Peter drew me out a rough sketch of what he was thinking, which I used as my base.
(Sadly I can’t get it landscape.)

I was going for a very saturated clear sky look and I’m pretty happy with since I did it in about a day. Looking back I feel the character’s skin colour is too similar to the trees the the background but Peter seemed happy with the end results so I consider it a success.
Tuned_Out_Colour_Concept copy

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